Proposal / Idea

For my individual project I have decided  to do a film poster. I want to do a film poster because I want it to be interesting enough to attract a mass audience. I would like to do a horror film poster because based on a questionnaire I conducted I found that teenagers are more attracted in seeing a horror film poster than a comedy or romance.

What inspired me?

I have seen many horror film posters and I like the way they have been created and would like to create something similar to what I have seen. I like the way they are presented and the way they attract people’s attention. Another thing that inspired me is that a horror film poster has a mass audience.

Why I’m doing this?

I’m doing what I chose as I’m not quite sure what I am really interested in. This seemed the most interesting to me and it seemed something I am capable to do. To push my self and make it a bit harder I chose a horror genre. I feel like this will be challenging for me because I would need to get the fonts and the images fitting in with the genre which I am not to good at doing.

What I will need?

Resources I would need to use are Photoshop and editing apps as well as a camera for a photoshoot which I will conduct in order to get a good image for my film poster.The film poster won’t require a complex image therefore the photoshoot may not even be occur but this will be decided just before I start to create my film poster.

What I need to Improve?

I need to improve my editing skills and the different types of fonts I use to make it seem more realistic. I have done a similar project in the past and I realised that I am not to good with the fonts I use to present the genre I am doing. Apart from this I believe my skills are good.